
Học tiếng Anh: Sự thật về những người thuận tay trái

Người thuận tay trái có lợi thế trong thể thao đối kháng. Nếu bố thuận tay trái và mẹ thuận tay phải, con sẽ có 17% khả năng thuận tay trái, trong khi tỷ lệ này chỉ là 10% ở người có bố mẹ đều thuận tay phải. Nghe và điền từ vào chỗ trống. 

Phần 1
If you know an older …(1)… person, chances are they had to learn to write
or eat with their right hand. And in many parts of the world, it's still common …(2)…to force children to use their "proper" hand. Even the word for right
also means correct or good, not just in English, but many other languages, too. But if being left-handed is so …(3)…, then why does it happen in the first place?
Today, about 1/10 of the world's population are left-handed. Archeological evidence shows that it's been that way for as long as 500,000 years, with about 10% of human remains showing the associated …(4)…in arm length and bone density, and some ancient …(5)…and artifacts showing evidence of left-hand use. And despite what many may think, handedness is not a …(6)…
It can be predicted even before …(7)…based on the fetus' position in the womb. So, if handedness is inborn, does that mean it's genetic? Well, yes and no.
Identical …(8)…, who have the same …(9)…, can have different dominant hands. In fact, this happens as often as it does with any other sibling pair. But the chances of being right or left-handed are determined by the handedness of your …(10)…in surprisingly consistent ratios.
Từ mới: 
archeological: khảo cổ học
handedness: khuynh hướng chỉ dùng một tay
fetus: thai nhi
womb: bụng mẹ
inborn: bẩm sinh
genetic: di truyền
dominant hands: tay thuận

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Học tiếng Anh: Cậu bé 6 tuổi phân biệt các loài khủng long

Nhờ xem phim, Noah Ritter (Mỹ) có thể nhận biết rất nhiều loại khủng long. Lúc 6 tuổi, cậu bé được mời xuất hiện trên Ellen Show và đi thăm các loài khủng long sống động như thật. 

Phần 1
- Hi, how are you doing, …(1)…?
- Good.
- Yeah, how are you? Nice to see you. I’m Thomas Huxley. I’m the paleontologist.
- Hi.
- Would you like to meet some …(2)…?
- Yes.
- Come on. Let’s go. This way. You’re here to see the show tonight?
- Yup.
- …(3)…
- And pretty much, they’re buying me …(4)…
- Keep your eyes closed, buddy. Just keep ‘em closed. Keep ‘em closed. That’s it.
- I’m gonna back up.
- You know the name of this …(5)…?
- Yeah, Stegosaurus.
- Yes, this is Stegosaurus.
- Hi, Stegosaurus.
- He likes being tickled under the …(6)…too, this guy. He’s fine. He’s a big guy, isn’t he?
- He’s huge. That’s because of the plates on his back.
- Why do you think they’re there?
- That’s just a way to …(7)…their back.
- That’s right.
- But it won’t surrender. It won’t …(8)…without a fight.
- Absolutely, it will not.
- Ok, now what?
Từ mới:
paleontologist: nhà cổ sinh vật học
tickled: cù
surrender: đầu hàng, bỏ cuộc

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